Distal radius volar locking plate with extension for ulnar volar fragment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9220549
APP PUB NO 20130079828A1





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A distal radius fixation plate for volar plating may comprise a distal radius fixation plate body configured to be placed adjacent a fractured volar distal radius and proximal to a watershed line of the volar distal radius and a distal radius fixation plate extension approximately 60 to 80% thinner on average than the distal radius fixation plate and projecting from the distal radius fixation plate body and configured to be placed so that it extends distal to the watershed line, the plate extension configured to curve around an ulnar/volar corner of the distal radius bone so as to engage the volar lip preferably without curving around other parts of the volar lip of the distal radius. The plate extension may have a hook at its upper end. The plate body may have an obliquely angled screw hole to buttress a radial styloid fragment.

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Glickel, Steven New York, US 2 9

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