Image sensor, electronic apparatus, and driving method of electronic apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8451355
APP PUB NO 20080284876A1





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An image sensor that supplies a control signal together with an address specifying each of a plurality of pixels arrayed in a pixel array with predetermined rows and columns to thereby perform an electronic shutter operation on a pixel corresponding to the address or perform reading of a pixel signal of a pixel corresponding to the address, is disclosed. The sensor includes: address generating means for generating a shutter row address specifying a row of pixels, on which an electronic shutter operation is to be performed within one horizontal period, among the pixels arrayed in the pixel array and a read row address specifying a row of pixels on which reading of a pixel signal is to be performed within the same one horizontal period; first storage means for storing the shutter row address; and second storage means for storing the read row address.

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Makino, Eiji Kanagawa, JP 28 349

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