Lock with pivotable slides

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4687236





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The invention concerns a lock for doors or windows, with two latches each pivoting about a pivot pin being provided in the one component and of which the mutually facing ends in the locked position engage in mutually opposite directions an undercut surface of a locking bolt mounted on the other component, this locking bolt cross-sectionally being a wedge-shaped or conical tip by means of which the two latches can be forced apart against the opposing force of a spring, this lock being designed so that unauthorized forcible opening in the absence of a key is at least made appreciably more difficult. The invention calls for the two latches being translationally mobile sliders located in one plane and of which the pivot pins are mounted approximately at the longitudinal center of the particular latch, the outer surfaces of the latches on the sides away from the locking bolt being a distance away from an inside housing wall of the lock, and a lock block displaceable along the latches each being mounted in the channel so formed, where this lock block has a length which is less than the distance between each pivot pin and the latch end pointing toward the center, and where for the locked position, the lock blocks are located in the area of the outwardly pointing latch ends.

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Rasche, Dieter Hauptstr. 21, 3052 Bad Nenndorf, DE 1 11

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