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BOWLING-ALLEYS; BOWLING GAMES; BOCCIA; BOWLS; BAGATELLE; BILLIARDS (balls A63B; indoor games using small moving playing bodies, e.g. balls, A63F 7/00)


1/00 Bowling-alleys; Boccia courts (bowling greens A63C 19/00)
1/02 Bowling-alleys; Boccia courts (bowling greens A63C 19/00) collapsible; portable
1/04 Bowling-alleys; Boccia courts (bowling greens A63C 19/00) Form or material of the surface; Pin-stands integral with the surface
1/06 Bowling-alleys; Boccia courts (bowling greens A63C 19/00) Adjusting apparatus; Stands for players
1/08 Bowling-alleys; Boccia courts (bowling greens A63C 19/00) Tracks for returning or circulating the balls
3/00 Table alleys; Miniature bowling-alleys; Bowling games
3/02 Table alleys; Miniature bowling-alleys; Bowling games Arrangement of devices for propelling or projecting the balls
5/00 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys
5/02 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Apparatus for trapping or lifting the balls; Separate devices for returning the balls
5/04 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Indicating devices
5/06 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Pin stands
5/08 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Arrangements for setting-up or taking away pins
5/09 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Arrangements for setting-up or taking away pins the pins being assembled in right order before setting down
5/10 Accessories for bowling-alleys or table alleys Apparatus for cleaning balls, pins, or alleys
7/00 Games of pins, e.g. ninepins with tethered balls
9/00 Pins
13/00 Bagatelle; Similar games (devices for projecting or rolling-off the balls A63F 7/24)
15/00 Billiards; Billiard tables; Pocket billiards (bagatelles A63D 13/00)
15/02 Billiards; Billiard tables; Pocket billiards (bagatelles A63D 13/00) Billiard tables adapted to rest on ordinary tables or the like
15/04 Billiards; Billiard tables; Pocket billiards (bagatelles A63D 13/00) Billiard tables convertible into other tables, or the like (into beds A47C 17/62)

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Publication #TitleFiling DatePub DatePatent Owner
2024/0299,833 Billiards Tools and MethodsFeb 11, 24Sep 12, 24Not available

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