Patterning device, a method of making the same, and a patterning device design method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11487198





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A patterning device, includes: an absorber layer on a patterning device substrate; and a reflective or transmissive layer on the patterning device substrate, wherein the absorber layer and the reflective or transmissive layer together define a pattern layout having a main feature and an attenuated sub-resolution assist feature paired with the main feature, wherein: the main feature is configured to generate, upon transferring the device pattern to a layer of patterning material on a substrate, the main feature in the layer of patterning material, and upon the transferring the pattern to the layer of patterning material, the attenuated sub-resolution assist feature is configured to avoid generating a feature in the layer of patterning material and to produce a different radiation intensity than the main feature.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hsu, Duan-Fu Stephen Fremont, US 61 534
Liu, Jingjing San Jose, US 154 1585

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