Alkenyl ether compound, polymer compound, composition using them, and image formation method and apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7449513
APP PUB NO 20060178468A1





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A polymer compound is provided which is suitable to improve the dispersibility of coloring materials or solids in an ink or toner composition and which has a repeating unit represented by the general formula (2): (2) wherein X' represents a polyalkenyl group; each A represents independently a linear or branched alkylene group of 1 to 15 carbon atoms which may be substituted; m represents an integer of 0 to 30; B represents a single bond or an alkylene group which may be substituted; each D represents independently an aromatic ring in which at least one hydrogen atom attached to the ring is displaced by a fluorine atom; n represents an integer of 1 to 10; and R represents a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group which may be substituted, or an aromatic ring which may be substituted. ##STR00001##

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Higashi, Ryuji Atsugi, JP 66 691
Ikegami, Masayuki Atsugi, JP 74 1121
Nakazawa, Ikuo Zama, JP 86 833
Sato, Koichi Atsugi, JP 560 7383
Suda, Sakae Sagamihara, JP 83 844
Tsubaki, Keiichiro Kawasaki, JP 47 514
Yamagishi, Keiko Ebina, JP 23 441

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