Apparatus and method for performing communication in wireless power transmission system

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11223242
APP PUB NO 20210143687A1





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The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for performing communication in a wireless power transmission system. The present specification discloses a wireless power transmission apparatus comprising: a communication/control unit configured to perform negotiation on a first available power index with a wireless power reception apparatus; and a power conversion unit configured to create magnetic coupling of a primary coil according to the first available power index, and transmit power wirelessly to the wireless power reception apparatus. The wireless power transmission apparatus can properly adjust an available power index in a dynamic manner at a time point desired by itself according to a surrounding environment/situation, and leadingly initiate communication and authentication.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Park, Yongcheol Seoul, KR 152 939
Yook, Gyunghwan Seoul, KR 45 93

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