Braking control apparatus with adjustable power regeneration in accordance with relative distance from a preceding vehicle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11472294
APP PUB NO 20200207212A1





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A braking control apparatus to be installed an electric vehicle includes an acceleration and deceleration operation member, a controller, and a recognizer. The acceleration and deceleration operation member receives an acceleration request in accordance with an operation amount in a first direction from a neutral position, and receive a deceleration request in accordance with an operation amount in a second direction from the neutral position. The controller controls an amount of power regenerated by a rotary electric machine driven by wheels in accordance with the operation amount in the second direction. The recognizer recognizes a preceding vehicle traveling ahead of the electric vehicle. Upon detection of the preceding vehicle at a relative distance from the electric vehicle that is equal to or less than a threshold, the controller performs braking suppression control to decrease the amount of power regenerated in accordance with the operation amount in the second direction.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ban, Masashi Tokyo, JP 9 67
Saito, Osamu Tokyo, JP 177 4105
Sonoki, Makoto Tokyo, JP 2 2
Sugimoto, Yuki Tokyo, JP 27 192
Tomiie, Katsuya Tokyo, JP 2 8
Yoshida, Yuki Tokyo, JP 126 713

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