Fuel cell vehicle and control method of fuel cell vehicle

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11472296
APP PUB NO 20200331353A1





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A fuel cell vehicle includes a fuel cell, a gas supply unit, a friction brake system, a drive motor, an electric storage device, and a control unit configured to execute control of obtaining requested braking force with use of friction braking force and regenerative braking force and control of performing a scavenging process. When the fuel cell vehicle is in braking with the friction braking force and the regenerative braking force, the control unit is configured to determine whether or not a scavenging preparation condition is satisfied with use of the amount of stagnant water stagnating in the fuel cell, execute a responsiveness enhancement process when the scavenging preparation condition is executed, and execute a scavenging process when the responsiveness enhancement process is completed, and the amount of the stagnant water reaches a reference value.

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Nanba, Ryouichi Okazaki, JP 5 219

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