Vertical comb actuator radio frequency micro-electro-mechanical system switch

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7501911
APP PUB NO 20070024390A1





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A vertical comb actuator radio frequency (RF) micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) switch. The RF MEMS switch includes a substrate; first and second signal lines spaced at a predetermined interval from each other and deposited on an upper surface of the substrate; an actuator positioned over the first and second signal lines when viewed from the upper surface of the substrate and spaced at a predetermined interval from the first and second signal lines; and a fixing portion positioned over the actuator when viewed from the upper surface of the substrate, wherein the fixing portion permits the actuator to come in contact with the first and second signal lines when a predetermined driving voltage is applied. Thus, it is possible to prevent the actuator from sticking to the substrate. In addition, the RF MEMS switch can be operated with a low voltage and insertion loss and power loss can be reduced.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chang, Seok-mo Incheon, KR 15 49
Hong, Young-tack Suwon-si, KR 32 994
Jeong, Hee-moon Yongin-si, KR 31 413
Kim, Che-heung Yongin-si, KR 44 398
Kim, Jong-seok Taean-eup , KR 83 489
Kim, Jun-o Yongin-si, KR 22 259
Kwon, Sang-wook Seongnam-si, KR 86 1354
Lee, Sang-hun Seoul, KR 138 1225
Song, In-sang Seoul, KR 129 1152
Yun, Seok-chul Yongin-si , KR 18 74

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