Systems and methods for matching an autonomous vehicle to a rider

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11747808
APP PUB NO 20210200217A1





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Systems and methods are directed to matching an available vehicle to a rider requesting a service. In one example, a computer-implemented method includes obtaining, by a computing system comprising one or more computing devices, a service request from a rider. The method further includes obtaining, by the computing system, data indicative of a current location of the rider; and determining that the current location of the rider is within proximity of an autonomous vehicle queuing location. The method further includes providing, by the computing system, data to the rider to provide for selection of an available autonomous vehicle at the autonomous vehicle queuing location. The method further includes obtaining, by the computing system, rider authentication data upon a selection of an autonomous vehicle by the rider; and, in response to obtaining rider authentication data, matching an autonomous vehicle selected by the rider to provide for performance of the service request.

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Patent Owner(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chin, Sean Pittsburgh, US 29 153
Donnelly, Richard Brian Pittsburgh, US 29 307
Hanson, Eric J San Francisco, US 67 674
Nix, Molly Castle San Francisco, US 40 301
Zhao, Dennis Pittsburgh, US 29 146

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