Lens driving module

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7839586
APP PUB NO 20090268318A1





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Provided is a lens driving module including a housing that has a lens barrel housing portion provided in the central portion thereof, the lens barrel housing portion having a bearing coupling portion and a guide coupling portion provided therein, and a through-hole formed in one corner thereof where the guide coupling portion is formed; a lens barrel that has a bearing contact portion and a guide portion formed on the outer circumferential surface thereof and is mounted in the lens barrel housing portion of the housing such that the bearing contact portion and the guide portion correspond to the bearing coupling portion and the guide coupling portion of the lens barrel housing portion, respectively; a piezoelectric motor that is mounted in the through-hole formed in one outer corner of the housing, which corresponds to the guide portion of the lens barrel, among the outer corners of the housing; a power connection member that is attached on the outer surface of the piezoelectric motor and of which only a predetermined portion connected to a power supply exhibits conductivity; and a power connection member that surrounds the outer surface of the housing and includes a corner-bent surface having a cross-shaped pad formation portion and a pair of through-holes formed in both sides of the pad formation portion, the through-holes reducing tension.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ko, Hyun Phill Seongnam-si, KR 18 238
Koc, Burhanettin Seongnam-si, KR 36 206
Lee, Jung Seok Suwon-si, KR 69 393
Oh, Won Seob Suwon-si, KR 15 102
Woo, Yun Seok Gunpo-si, KR 7 174

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