Vehicle light bar and method for producing the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8899805





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A light bar assembly mounted on the roof or rear door of an emergency vehicle. The assembly includes a light bar support shaped for the particular make and model of a vehicle on which the assembly is installed or alternately a support configured for mounting on two or more different vehicle models. The support has openings formed in it, each corresponding to the location of a preexisting opening formed in the vehicle for electrical wiring and mounting fasteners that can be used to attach the support to the vehicle so that no additional openings or other alterations are required. This allows the light bar assembly to be readily mounted on the vehicle without modifications to the vehicle or the assembly being required. Lights are mounted on the support. The lights are selectively illuminated in accordance with the use of the vehicle in emergency or other situations.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Helterbrand, David Eureka, US 1 10
Helterbrand, John St. Louis, US 1 10

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