Manufacturing method for semiconductor device, semiconductor device and semiconductor chip

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8552545
APP PUB NO 20050230804A1





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A manufacturing method for a semiconductor device includes: the step of preparing a semiconductor chip which is provided with a functional element formed on a front surface side of a semiconductor substrate, a feedthrough electrode which is placed within a through hole that penetrates the semiconductor substrate, a front surface side connection member which protrudes from the front surface, and a rear surface side connection member which has a joining surface within a recess that is formed in a rear surface; the step of preparing a solid-state device where a solid-state device side connection member for connection to the front surface side connection member is formed on one surface; and the joining step of making the front surface of the semiconductor chip face the first surface of the solid-state device by holding the rear surface of the semiconductor chip, and of joining the front surface side connection member to the solid-state device side connection member.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Akiyama, Yukiharu Tokyo, JP 37 644
Tanida, Kazumasa Miyagi, JP 63 742
Umemoto, Mitsuo Osaka, JP 40 807

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