Restrictions on virtualized sessions using risk factor assessment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11176266
APP PUB NO 20210209243A1





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One example disclosed method involves a computing system providing a client device a virtualized computing environment. Upon receiving a request to access a file or folder in the virtualized computing environment from the client device, a file system filter driver of the computing system may intercept the request, and determine authorization to access the file or folder based at least in part on a security policy associated with the user account. If the client device is authorized to access the file or folder, the computing system may cause the client device to output a representation of contents of the first file or folder using the virtualized computing environment.

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Gallardo, Xavier Fort Lauderdale, US 5 6

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 May 16, 2025
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