Drive circuit for driving an upper arm switch and a lower arm switch each having a body diode

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11848599
APP PUB NO 20200235653A1





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A drive circuit for a switch drives an upper-arm switch and a lower-arm switch that include body diodes. Of the body diodes in upper- and lower-arm switches, the diode through which a feedback current flows during a dead time is a target diode. Of the upper- and lower-arm switches, the switch that includes the target diode is a target switch. The remaining switch is an opposing arm switch. The drive circuit maintains an electric potential of a control terminal relative to a second terminal of the target switch at a negative voltage over a period from a timing subsequent to a start timing of a dead time immediately after the target switch is switched to an off-state until a point within a period over which the opposing arm switch is set to an on-state, and subsequently maintains the electric potential at an off-voltage until a next dead time is ended.

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Patent Owner(s)

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hayashi, Yoshinori Kariya, JP 223 5108
Kimura, Mitsunori Kariya, JP 17 86
Mochiki, Kengo Kariya, JP 12 41

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