Method and apparatus for generating exposure data

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7269819
APP PUB NO 20050271956A1





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An exposure data generation method for generating exposure data that can enhance exposure throughput by making the number of shots in each of unit areas where a plurality of charged particle beams are simultaneously applied equal. Layout data is extracted as a plurality of blocks for cell projection exposure. If the number of types of the plurality of blocks for cell projection exposure extracted is greater than a predetermined permissible number, a block for cell projection exposure that is the least effective in performing cell projection exposure is selected from among a plurality of blocks for cell projection exposure included in a unit area where the number of shots calculated is the smallest and the block for cell projection exposure is deleted from all of the unit areas. Variable rectangular exposure is performed for the block for cell projection exposure deleted. Therefore, the number of shots in each of the unit areas on a semiconductor substrate (or reticle) where the plurality of charged particle beams are simultaneously applied is made equal.

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Hoshino, Hiromi Kawasaki, JP 32 378

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