Space diversity optical receiver and system and method using the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7961997
APP PUB NO 20090185811A1





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An optical beam combiner is provided, which allows efficient collection of light for various applications: non-line of sight and free space optical communications, remote sensing, optical imaging and others. A multitude of optical beam portions is captured by a space diversity receiver that includes an optical beam combiner, which has a tree-like topology with interconnected waveguides, electro-optic phase shifters, and directional couplers. For each of the beam portions the phase of the phase shifter and the coupling ratio of coupler in the optical beam combiner are tuned sequentially to maximize the final output power in the final optical waveguide. A portion of the final output beam is used for the power detection and forming a feedback signal for the phases and coupling ratios adjustment. The data or information is recovered from the received final optical beam using coherent detection.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cho, Pak Shing Gaithersburg, US 29 682
Khurgin, Jacob Baltimore, US 39 467
Shpantzer, Isaac Bethesda, US 43 905

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