Method and system for assembling hairpin conductors with a stator core

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11664711
APP PUB NO 20190199184A1





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A method and system of assembling hairpin conductors with a stator core, the system and method including: arranging the plurality of hairpin conductors into two or more sub-assembly fixtures, wherein the plurality of hairpin conductors are arranged in the two or more sub-assembly fixtures in two or more layers; activating a retaining mechanism to hold the plurality of hairpin conductors in place within the sub-assembly fixtures; meshing the two or more sub-assembly fixtures together to bring the hairpin conductors into alignment and form a layered conductor assembly; introducing the layered conductor assembly into the stator core by advancing the two or more sub-assembly fixtures in relation to the stator core in alignment with the locations on the stator core for the layered conductor assembly; and at an appropriate timing, deactivating the retaining mechanism to release the layered conductor assembly from the two or more sub-assembly fixtures.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Egge, Fred Holland, US 1 2
MacKinlay, James Cambridge, CA 1 2
McCauley, Dan Holland, US 3 18
Oshel, Glenn Wixom, US 2 3

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