, method for treating water, additive for bathtub water, and additive for air-conditioning cooling tower water

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11753318
APP PUB NO 20210061684A1





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Provided is a disinfectant against Legionella, including an iron salt as an active ingredient. Examples of the iron salt include ferrous salts such as iron (II) sulfate (ferrous sulfate), and ferric salts such as ammonium iron (III) sulfate (ferric ammonium sulfate). Provided is a method for treating water, including bringing target water into a state in which the target water contains an iron salt or an iron ion, thereby suppressing or inhibiting proliferation of Legionella existing in the target water. The present invention can sterilize and disinfect Legionella existing in, for example, bathtub water and air-conditioning cooling tower water, with high safety and sense of security in a simple and easy manner.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kondo, Akihiro Kusatsu, JP 179 680

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