Content processing device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8819033
APP PUB NO 20120066235A1





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A content processing device includes a first acquisition unit acquiring a content data; a second acquisition unit acquiring a history including a time when a user plays the content data; a first extraction unit extracting a keyword from the content data; a management unit extracting a preference keyword representing a preference of the user from the keyword based on the history, said management unit managing the extracted preference keyword with an importance score; a presentation unit presenting a recommended content data according to a comparison of the keyword and the preference keyword; an update unit updating the importance score of the preference keyword corresponding to the recommended content data selected by the user; and a second extraction unit extracting another recommended content data using the updated importance score.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Itakura, Toyokazu Kanagawa-ken, JP 11 44

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