Hanging storage box for truck beds

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5924615





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A hanging storage box for truck beds comprises a main housing having a hollow interior, a lid, a floor, a front wall, a rear wall and two side walls, the lid including a top surface and four side edges extending therefrom, the lid being coupled to the rear wall by a plurality of hinges, the lid being couplable to the front wall by a securing device, each side wall including a handle; and a plurality of hanger members each being formed with a short side member and a long side member, the long side member including a plurality of adjustment apertures therethrough, each hanger member being coupled to the rear wall of the main housing, the adjustment apertures allowing a user to mount the hanger members at a variety of different heights, in an operative orientation a user suspending the main compartment from a wall of a truck bed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
McGarrah, Tony D HC 01 Arenosa Creek Estates, #27, Inez, TX 77968 2 61

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