Augmented reality for slice management in a telco network

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11818017
APP PUB NO 20220303193A1





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Examples described herein include systems and methods for managing slices in a Telco network by using a graphical user interface (“GUI”) with augmented reality (“AR”). A user device can scan a code that is related to physical hardware in a datacenter. Based on the code, the GUI can display at least one virtual component that resides on that hardware. The user can move the virtual component from one slice to another, such as by dragging it to a displayed slice region. Similarly, the user can drag the virtual component to new physical hardware. This can cause an AR engine to contact an orchestrator to route traffic to the virtual component according to the new slice identifier and new hardware. The GUI can also provide a datacenter map to related physical or virtual components, allowing the user to locate and inspect other hardware relied on by a slice.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Embarmannar, Vijayan Radhakrishna Bangalore, IN 8 30
Tatiraju, Sameer Bangalore, IN 3 2

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