Noise signal processing method, noise signal generation method, encoder, decoder, and encoding and decoding system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10134406
APP PUB NO 20170323648A1





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Present disclosure provide a linear prediction-based noise signal processing method includes: acquiring a noise signal, and obtaining a linear prediction coefficient according to the noise signal; filtering the noise signal according to the linear prediction coefficient, to obtain a linear prediction residual signal; obtaining a spectral envelope of the linear prediction residual signal according to the linear prediction residual signal; and encoding the spectral envelope of the linear prediction residual signal. According to the noise processing method, the noise generation method, the encoder, the decoder, and the encoding and decoding system that are in the embodiments of the present disclosure, more spectral details of an original background noise signal can be recovered, so that comfort noise can be closer to original background noise in terms of subjective auditory perception of a user, and subjective perception quality of the user is improved.

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Wang, Zhe Beijing, CN 457 4367

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