Control apparatus and control method of a vehicle, program for realizing that control method using a computer, and recording medium on which that program is recorded

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7908065
APP PUB NO 20080097674A1





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An ECU executes a program that includes the steps of i) calculating a sporty running counting SC based on a state of a vehicle according to an operation of a driver; ii) changing a condition for executing sporty running in which an upshift is inhibited when an accelerator is suddenly released and in which a downshift is promoted during sudden braking such that the condition is easier to satisfy and changing a condition for returning from sporty running so that it is more difficult to satisfy when the sporty running count SC is equal to or greater than a threshold value; and iii) changing the condition for executing sporty running so that it is more difficult to satisfy and changing the condition for returning from sporty running so that it is easier to satisfy when the sporty running count SC is not equal to or greater than the threshold value.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fukumasu, Toshihiro Toyota, JP 7 53
Kaigawa, Masato Toyota, JP 65 622
Kondo, Masami Toyota, JP 52 464
Kubonoya, Hideki Toyota, JP 22 144
Kuwahara, Seiji Toyota, JP 85 501
Moriya, Naoto Toyota, JP 14 57

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