Quad-roll decurler

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7062218
APP PUB NO 20040042831A1





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A quad roll sheet curl control apparatus uses elastomer first and second rolls forming first and second nips with third and fourth rolls. The first and second rolls have compressible surfaces, while the third and fourth roll surfaces are formed of a substantially uncompressible material. A pivotable gate member in operating relationship with the first and second nips directs sheets to either the first or the second nip whereby the desired decurling orientation is achieved for the sheet by either the elastomer first roll or the elastomer second roll. Switching nips and curl to be induced does not require drive reversal as previous decurler arrangements do. The degree of decurling can be adjusted with at least one cam in communication with at least one of the first and second rolls.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Burnett, Daniel H Fairport, NY 8 62
Giunta, Kenneth E Penfield, NY 6 38
Johnston, Donald E Rochester, NY 11 78
Kahn, Arthur H Cohocton, NY 12 34
Poletto, Anthony G Fairport, NY 9 58
Ramos, Harry Macedon, NY 1 3

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