Fuel supply apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6123059





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To provide a fuel supply apparatus capable of preventing seizure of a plunger by preventing deformation of a cylinder caused by attaching attachment parts, and capable of being decreased in size, respective attachment parts of a fuel inlet, a delivery valve and a pressure regulator are threadably attached to a housing on a same cross-sectional plane orthogonal to an axis of a high pressure fuel pump, and imaginary extended regions extending seat surfaces of the housing in a direction of attaching thereof, are disposed outside of an outer peripheral surface of a cylinder. Accordingly, even when the attachment parts push the seat surfaces in threadably attaching the respective attachment parts to the housing, almost no axial forces are exerted on the cylinder. Therefore, an inner peripheral surface of the cylinder can be prevented from being deformed, and a sliding clearance between the cylinder and a plunger is prevented from being reduced in size. Therefore, seizure between the cylinder and the plunger is prevented.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Inaguma, Yoshitsugu Chita-gun, JP 10 128
Oota, Nobuo Takahama, JP 2 3

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