Assistive listening system adapted for using DECT

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8488822
APP PUB NO 20110150249A1





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The invention relates to an assistive listening system comprising an audio transmitting device adapted for transmitting an audio signal and/or a control signal to a multitude of receiving listening devices and at least one receiving listening device adapted for receiving said audio signal and said control signal from said audio transmitting device. The invention further relates to a method of operating an assistive listening system and to its use. The object of the present invention is to provide an assistive listening system suitable for servicing a multitude of body worn listening devices in a wireless environment. The problem is solved in that the system is adapted to establish a digital link according to the DECT-standard from the audio transmitting device to the at least one receiving listening device, wherein the system is adapted to provide that said link is uni-directional. The system has the advantage of providing a reliable channel selection in a wireless assistive listening system comprising low power, body worn listening devices. The invention may e.g. be used for public address systems, e.g. educational listening systems, comprising listening devices adapted for being worn by a user.

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Klemmensen, Bjarne Smørum, DK 19 176

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