Solid acid catalyst containing platinum group metal component and method for preparation thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7026268





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The present invention provides a concentration distribution for a platinum group metal component in a catalyst with which catalyst activity can be increased, and to provide a method for supporting a platinum group metal with which this concentration distribution can be achieved. The present invention is a solid acid catalyst that is made up of porous catalyst pellets exhibiting solid acid characteristics, and a platinum group metal component supported by these catalyst pellets, and that is used in an acid-catalyzed reaction, in which a quotient of dividing the standard deviation of the concentration in a platinum group metal component concentration distribution in the catalyst by an average concentration is 0.4 or less. The method for preparing this catalyst involves a step of preparing a support solution containing a platinum group metal as a cation, and a step of impregnating crystalline, porous catalyst pellets exhibiting solid acid characteristics with this support solution. The present invention also provides a method for isomerizing a hydrocarbon, wherein a solid acid catalyst is brought into contact with a hydrocarbon including at least 70 wt % of a saturated hydrocarbon component having 4 to 10 carbon atoms.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Furuta, Satoshi Toda, JP 46 303
Ogawa, Minoru Toda, JP 33 236

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