Assessing whether a subject shall be subjected to imaging based diagnostic

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11454634
APP PUB NO 20180196067A1





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The present invention relates to a method for assessing whether a subject shall be subjected to an imaging based diagnostic assessment. The method is based on the determination of the amount(s) of a cardiac Troponin and/or Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF-23) in a sample from the subject, and on the comparison of the, thus, determined amount(s) with a reference amount (reference amounts). The present invention also relates to a system for performing an assessment whether a subject shall be subjected to an imaging based diagnostic assessment and to reagents and kits used in performing the methods disclosed herein. Moreover, the present invention is directed to a method for predicting the risk of mortality and/or of a cardiovascular event. Also encompassed is a method for diagnosing an early stage of LVH in a subject having a preserved left ventricular ejection.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Block, Dirk Bichl, DE 43 145
Latini, Roberto Milan, IT 15 21
Masson, Serge Monza, IT 15 46
Wienhues-Thelen, Ursula-Henrike Krailling, DE 72 88
Zaugg, Christian Rheinfelden, CH 27 238

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