Apparatuses and methods for generating shock waves for use in the energy industry

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9057232





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Several methods and devices are provided herein to generate shock waves that are used in the oil industry for well drilling, hydrocarbon or gas exploitation, fracking process or improved oil recovery (IOR), enhanced oil recovery (EOR), cleaning of process waters, oil spills byproducts and oil pipes, which can be used as independent systems or as auxiliary systems concomitantly with other existing technologies. The different devices consist of generating shock waves utilizing either one or more laser sources, or a self-generated combustible gas supply, or a micro-explosive pellet, or piezocrystals, or a piezofiber composite structure.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cioanta, Iulian Milton, US 56 2026
McGhin, Cary Sugar Hill, US 10 123

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