Methods and systems for intelligent utilization of off-peak network bandwidth

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11736546
APP PUB NO 20220263880A1





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Methods and systems for intelligent use of off-peak bandwidth are disclosed. An example method can comprise receiving a request for content from a user device. The content server can transmit the content to the user device. Upon receiving a teardown command to suspend transmission of the content, after transmitting a first portion of the content to the user device, the content server can determine that playback of the content is likely to be resumed at a peak time. The content server can then pre-position a second portion of the content proximate to the user device prior to the peak time.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Auger, Scott East Norriton, US 4 33
Doshi, Nishant Norristown, US 27 413
Sharma, Ambud Dowingtown, US 8 76

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