Edge inspection system for inspection of optical devices

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United States of America

PATENT NO 12003841
APP PUB NO 20220368817A1





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Embodiments described herein relate to an inspection system for illumination of optical devices. The inspection system includes a stage, a focusing lens, a light source, a reflective surface, and a camera. The inspection system is operable to provide a light to a substrate. The substrate is positioned on the inspection system such that an edge of the substrate is exposed. The inspection system focuses light to the edge such that the light propagates through the substrate. The light is coupled out of the substrate, illuminating one or more optical devices disposed on the substrate. The illumination allows the camera to capture images to be inspected. The images are inspected to detect defects of the substrate.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fu, Jinxin Fremont, US 51 33
Kemp, Michael David-Scott San Jose, US 3 0

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