Controller area network data link layer protocol processing system, related integrated circuit, device and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11695589





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A device has a plurality of CAN XL communication systems, a bus, and a switching circuit. The bus has a transmission node and reception node, and receives from each CAN XL communication system a respective second transmission signal and drives the logic level at the transmission node as a function of the logic levels of the second transmission signals, and provides to each CAN XL communication system a respective second reception signal having a logic level determined as a function of the logic level at the reception node. The switching circuit supports a plurality of modes. In a first mode, the switching circuit is configured to provide the NRZ encoded transmission signals of the CAN XL communication systems as the second transmission signals to the bus system, and provide the respective second reception signal received from the bus to the CAN XL protocol controllers of the CAN XL communication system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Nandlinger, Rolf Herrsching, DE 9 4
Rennig, Fred Nandlstadt, DE 20 127

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jan 4, 2027
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