X-ray crystal orientation measuring method and X-ray crystal orientation measuring apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7158609
APP PUB NO 20050078790A1





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An X-ray crystal orientation measuring apparatus and a method thereof, for enabling to measure distribution of crystal orientations upon a crystal having the sub-grain structure, lineage structure, other than the single domain, with using X-ray, comprises, an XY stage 20 for mounting a crystal S to be measured thereon and being movable in X-Y directions, an X-ray generating device 50 for irradiating X-ray at a predetermined angle upon a measuring surface of the crystal to be measured on the stage, a high-sensitive two-dimensional detector 60 for detecting the diffraction image of X-ray, which is irradiated from the X-ray generating device upon the measuring surface of the crystal to be measured, and a control PC, wherein the control PC calculates out a central position of the diffraction image detected, from the detected screen, so as to calculate out the crystal orientation upon the measuring surface of the crystal to be measured.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Inago, Yoshio Ome, JP 1 19
Kikuchi, Tetsuo Tachikawa, JP 192 1380
Uematsu, Toshio Tachikawa, JP 1 19
Usui, Makoto Musashimurayama, JP 106 768

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