Systems and methods for transferring value to payment accounts

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9558483
APP PUB NO 20160071075A1





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Systems and methods are provided for transferring value from to a payment account associated with a virtual wallet of a consumer. The value can be transferred using voucher-based transactions or cash-based transactions. One exemplary method includes receiving, at a computing device, a load request to transfer value to a payment account associated with a consumer. The load request includes the value to be transferred and a directory number for a mobile device associated with the consumer. The method also includes determining an account number for the consumer's payment account, at the computing device, based on the directory number for the consumer's mobile device and generating, by the computing device, a request indicating the value to transfer to the payment account and the account number for the consumer's payment account.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bodman, Ryan Louisville, US 4 5
Gupta, Akshat Vernon, US 29 55
Pareja, Ricardo São Paulo, BR 8 22
Parento, Stephen White Plains, US 17 91

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Jul 31, 2024
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