Tool for setting up and applying pressure sensitive graphic materials

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4469550





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A hand held tool with a guide element and a resilient, transparent plate proximate thereto to aid in stripping the protective backing from the adhesive coated side of a pressure sensitive tape and in subsequently applying it to a suitable display surface. The guide element controls the separation of the backing from the tape and is positioned so that the side thereof lacking adhesive coating comes into contact with the plate even as the leading edge of the tape is being pulled away from its backing. Electrostatic attraction between the tape and the plate prevents the tape from sliding therefrom as the plate is first inverted and then moved about to preposition the tape. Tiny feet protruding from the plate hold the tape out of contact with the surface to which it is to be affixed until the user, viewing it through the transparent plate, presses the plate against the display surface.

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O'Steen, Jr Rema L P.O. Box 328, Douglas, GA 31533 1 7

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