Transport and storage container for liquids

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8631960
APP PUB NO 20090230017A1





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A transport and storage container for liquids, which can be used as a single-use or multiple-use container, has as its principal components an exchangeable parallelepiped-shaped inner container of plastic material with a front wall, a rear wall and two side walls, a lower and an upper bottom, a filling socket integrally formed on the upper bottom and closable by means of a cover, and a discharge socket to be connected to a discharge fitting, wherein the discharge socket is integrally formed or welded to an indentation in the lower portion of the front wall. The container further includes an outer casing constructed as a grate casing with intersecting horizontal and vertical grate rods of metal for receiving the inner container, and an underframe constructed as a pallet with skids.

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Schütz, Udo Selters/Westerwald, DE 36 157

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