Continuous time chaos dithering

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8542716
APP PUB NO 20130128930A1





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Embodiments of the present invention provide a system and method for further reducing cyclostationarity and correspondingly energy density in a chaotic spread spectrum data communication channel, by digitally generating a first chaotic sequence of values to form a spreading code. The spreading code is then used to form a digital IF spread spectrum signal having a uniform sampling interval. The digital IF spread spectrum signal is converted to a sampled analog IF spread spectrum signal at a conversion rate substantially equal to the uniform sampling interval. The duration of the sampling interval is then selectively varied in accordance with a first pseudo-random sequence, thereby introducing a known dither in the analog IF spread spectrum signal. After introducing the known dither, the analog IF spread spectrum signal is upconverted to an analog RF spread spectrum signal. The first pseudo-random sequences may be designed to be a chaotic sequence.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chester, David B Palm Bay, US 59 1580
Michaels, Alan J Indialantic, US 41 1175

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