Run-time additive disinfection of malware functions

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8826424
APP PUB NO 20100251000A1





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In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for runtime additive disinfection of malware. Runtime additive disinfection of malware may include performing the steps of identifying, based at least in part on its type, an executable software application that is suspected of being infected with malware, wherein the malware is adapted to perform a function during the execution of the executable software application, predicting the malware function based on known patterns of malware infection relating to the type of the executable software application, and in response to the prediction, adding a remediation software component to the executable software application that disables the executable software component from executing code that performs the predicted malware function.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ducklin, Paul B North Sydney, AU 1 29
Lyne, James I G Burford, GB 3 35

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