Method and apparatus for secure wireless vehicle bus communication

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11539704
APP PUB NO 20170141917A1





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A system includes a processor configured to wirelessly broadcast a message obtained from a first originating vehicle BUS or controller, following a determination that the message was on a pre-approved list for broadcast and having encrypted the message utilizing a temporary random key generated for a message session. The system may include vehicle controllers, a gateway module, and vehicle BUSSES connecting the system controllers to the gateway module. The gateway module may include a memory storing a list of pre-approved message types and corresponding source types, and a processor configured to receive a message from one of the vehicle controllers over one of the vehicle BUSSES to determine if a message type and source type of the received message matches an element of the list.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gusikhin, Oleg Yurievitch West Bloomfield, US 113 2527
Kadry, Haysam M Dearborn, US 10 52
Lawlis, James Martin Grosse Pointe Farms, US 14 74
Makke, Omar Lyon Township, US 65 458

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