Method and apparatus for checking analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, or telecommunications transmission links which contain such converters

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4539683





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The test specimen is charged with an analog, preferably sinusoidal periodic test signal or, respectively, with the digital samples of such a test signal, whereby a numerical relationship exists between the period of the test signal and the system-inherent sampling period such that all sampling times lying within a predetermined test time span occupy different relative time slots in the periodicity interval of the test signal. Arising as a result thereof are a plurality of output information of the test specimen which, as a totality, describe the response of the test specimen to the test signal as precisely as desired. Said output information are, if need be after analog-to-digital conversion in a standard coder, deposited in a store and are available for identifying the desired properties of the test specimen, for example, the level-dependent distortions, by means of a computer.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Borm, Winfried Munich, DE 2 33
Cordt, Werner Munich, DE 1 25
Hahn, Helmuth Hohenschaftlarn, DE 1 25

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