Thermal system with thermal pad filters

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11554040
APP PUB NO 20200179161A1





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A thermal pad is adapted to be placed in physical contact with a patient and to receive temperature controlled fluid from a thermal control unit. The temperature controlled fluid circulates through the thermal pad and controls the patient's temperature. The thermal pad includes first and second sheets that are sealed together about their periphery to define a fluid chamber there between. A fluid inlet and fluid outlet are fluidly coupled to the fluid chamber. In some embodiments, a filter sheet is sandwiched between the first and second sheets and arranged such that fluid entering the fluid inlet must pass through the filter sheet before exiting out of the fluid outlet. A plurality of bonds may be included that seal the first and second sheets together at a plurality of locations. In some embodiments, a non-sheet filter is positioned within the fluid chamber and filters the circulating fluid.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bentz, Andrew M Portage, US 4 10
Hopper, Christopher John Portage, US 36 757

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