Handheld LOAC assay device with a needleless liquid reagent dispenser

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11583854





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A lab-on-a-cartridge (LOAC) handheld assay device including an integrated test cartridge, a carbon nanotube electrode sensor, and a reagent dispenser for dispensing a liquid reagent into the test cartridge. The test cartridge includes a syringe plunger for drawing a test fluid into a test cavity, a bottom wall with a reagent inlet port, and a vibration adaptor for mixing. The reagent input port is attached with a slit valve for engaging with a slit spout of the reagent dispenser as a needleless dispensing system. Carbon nanotube sensors of different three-electrode configurations are provided for testing a volume of test fluid to increase the electrochemical reaction sensitivity. The assay device can be used with a CNT three-electrode sensor for saliva testing for determining glucose concentration.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kuo, Youti Penfield, US 53 1651
Wu, Shau-San New Taipei, TW 4 0

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