Processes for reducing steam consumption and improving process carbon balance in biomass conversion to sugars, biochemicals, biofuels, and/or biomaterials

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 12043854
APP PUB NO 20230313251A1





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In some variations, a process for converting a biomass feedstock into a pretreated biomass material comprises: providing a biomass feedstock containing cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin; introducing the biomass feedstock and a recycled vapor stream to a biomass-heating unit, thereby generating a heated biomass stream at a first temperature, wherein the recycled vapor stream is at a first pressure of at least atmospheric pressure; feeding the heated biomass stream to a biomass digestor operated at a second temperature and a second pressure to pretreat the biomass feedstock, thereby generating a digested stream comprising a solid-liquid mixture and a digestor vapor, wherein the second temperature is higher than the first temperature, and wherein the second pressure is higher than the first pressure; recycling at least a portion of the digestor vapor to the biomass-heating unit; and recovering or further processing the solid-liquid mixture as a pretreated biomass material. Many variations are disclosed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Zebroski, Ryan Fayetteville, US 13 11

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