Method and apparatus for steam pasteurization of meat

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6291003





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Methods and apparatuses are presented for the steam pasteurization of the meat to heat the surface of the meat and reduce surface contamination. One example of an apparatus for reducing surface contamination of meat includes a dewatering region, a steam region, a coolant region, and a controller. The dewatering region includes at least one dewatering element for directing a dewatering fluid at a piece of meat to remove surface water from the meat. The steam region includes at least one steam valve for directing steam at the piece of meat to heat the surface of the meat. The coolant region has at least one coolant element for directing a coolant fluid at the piece of meat to cool the meat. The controller is configured and arranged to control a conveyor to move the piece of meat from the dewatering region to the steam region, to stop the piece of meat in the steam region while steam is directed at the piece of meat, and to move the meat from the steam region to the coolant region.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Farmer, Dick R Derby, KS 1 29
Lacy, Kelly E Eaton, CO 1 29
Mitchell, James Melrose, NM 122 3242
Riemann, M James Derby, KS 8 79

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