Method and apparatus for manufacturing film structure

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11518081
APP PUB NO 20200290264A1





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A method for manufacturing a film structure includes: a positional deviation amount detection process of detecting an amount of positional deviation related to a relative position of a second cured film formed on a rear surface of a film with respect to a first cured film formed on a front surface of the film; a relative position adjustment process of correcting a position or a rotation speed of a second transfer roll to adjust the relative position such that the amount of positional deviation detected in the positional deviation amount detection process is reduced; a first tensile force detection process and a second tensile force detection process of respectively detecting a tensile force of the film between a first pressurizing roll and a second pressurizing roll before and after the relative position adjustment process; and a tensile force adjustment process of adjusting the tensile force of the film such that the tensile force of the film detected in the second tensile force detection process approaches the tensile force of the film detected in the first tensile force detection process.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kamatani, Junichi Osaka, JP 3 1
Kamikihara, Nobuyuki Nara, JP 12 76
Yamamoto, Yuji Osaka, JP 387 4448

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