Method for enhancing stability of aggregation state of organic semiconductor film

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11696488
APP PUB NO 20230103127A1





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A method for enhancing aggregation state stability of organic semiconductor (OSC) films includes constructing the OSC film; introducing uniform and discontinuous nanoparticles on a surface of the film or an inside of the film. Electrical properties of the OSC film are not influenced by introducing the nanoparticles. Grain boundary, dislocation, stacking fault, and surface of the film are pinned by the nanoparticles, increasing potential barrier of the aggregation state evolution of the film, and thus enhancing the stability of the aggregation state and greatly improving maximum working temperature and storage lifetime of organic field-effect transistors. Under room temperature storage, morphology of the OSC film introduced with the nanoparticles is difficult to change, so that the stability of electrical properties of organic transistor components prepared from the film is ensured in a high-temperature and atmospheric working environment.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Xiaosong Tianjin, CN 2 0
Hu, Wenping Tianjin, CN 6 1
Li, Liqiang Tianjin, CN 7 0
Qi, Jiannan Tianjin, CN 1 0

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