Automated geometry and crowning apparatus for use of mobile electric flash-butt welding of railroad rails and rail inserts

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11919108
APP PUB NO 20230021126A1





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A Mobile Electric Flash-Butt (EFB) Welding apparatus that incorporates an automated geometry system which creates field/mobile EFB welds with proper vertical alignment, within a definable distance. The system has a first pair of adjustable reference points on a left side of a mobile welding apparatus. The system has a second pair of adjustable reference points on the right side of the welding apparatus. The system has a first lifting mechanism positioned between the first pair of adjustable reference points and a second lifting mechanism positioned between the second pair of adjustable reference points. The welding line is positioned between the first and second pair of adjustable reference points and is the location of the weld. The system allows for comparatively shorter inserts than previously utilized.

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Koski, Kris Dallas, US 2 0

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Sep 5, 2027
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