Vehicle control device for an adaptive variable suspension

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11524684
APP PUB NO 20200369277A1





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A vehicle control device includes: a control portion that makes, of a plurality of shock absorbers included in a vehicle, a first damping force of at least one shock absorber that is located on a first direction side on which acceleration acts in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle larger than a second damping force of at least one shock absorber of the plurality of shock absorbers that is located on a second direction side opposite to the first direction in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle before acceleration acting on the vehicle is detected by an acceleration sensor due to acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Harada, Shinya Kariya, JP 21 61
Kokubo, Satoshi Kariya, JP 21 91
Sugai, Masaya Kariya, JP 9 30

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